Steve Lugg
Have you seen the new intrepretation boards at Harmont Wood yet?  They have been provided by Ferndown in Bloom in partnership with the KGV charity as part of the development of the wood as a public facility, at a cost of £2600 - paid for through the Big Lottery Grant which I gained at the beginning of the year.  Have a walk through there.  I noticed this morning a horse had been through there - not exactly what we expected but.............its all good if its being used.  Horse poo bags.........................
Delighted to see the interpretation boards now hung in Harmont Wood.  Having secured the funding, it has taken some time to get them into place, but they are there now.  I'm pleased to have led now two major town improvements over my three years as a town councillor.  Now starting on a little heritage project to restore the milestones on Wimborne and Ringwood Road.  These small improvements are part of a virtuous circle of community work which despite what some say, sees Ferndown improving.  It was good to see the Concerts in the Park this summer, and watch out for the Halloween event coming up!  Why not challenge all FTC councillors to list the changes they have led/engineered across our town and keep us all on our toes!

Steve Lugg, East Dorset District Council, Ferndown Town Council